
Author: Four Tree Coaching |

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My role as a coach is to help you figure out the answers that are right for YOU. Since we draw out the answers that YOU feel are the correct ones, you are much more likely to embrace and act on those ideas. When you dedicate yourself to the solutions we uncover, you will get the results. As your coach, I will help you in 3 different ways:

  • Process and Tools: Together, we will work through a systematic process designed to move your business to the next level. I will also provide proven tools, strategies, and techniques to help you get things done.

  • Perspective and Feedback: You can’t see the whole picture when you’re stuck inside the frame! Part of my role is to provide an outside perspective, a mirror to help you see things you may not be aware of.

  • Accountability for Action and Performance: While a coach can't do your push-ups for you, the coach can help you to do more and better quality push-ups!

